
Kendra Banks appointed CFO, SEEK

SEEK Limited (SEEK) announced this week the appointment of Kendra Banks as its incoming Chief Financial Officer effective from 1 July 2024, following the resignation of Kate Koch.

Koch joined SEEK in June 2021, with more than 20 years of Finance experience, including as Chief Financial Officer of RMIT University in Melbourne, Group Head of Finance & Performance at Tesco Plc and Chief Financial Officer of the Financial Times Group in London.

Ian Narev, SEEK CEO, said of the appointment: “Our focus on executive development over a number of years means we are in the pleasing position of appointing internal talent to key positions in our modified structure post the completion of the Unification project, and following Kate Koch’s resignation. Kendra’s extensive knowledge of the business will bring an enhanced focus to our capital allocation and budgeting.”

Kendra joined SEEK in 2015 as Marketing Director, rising to the position of, SEEK’s Chief Commercial Officer. Kendra is currently SEEK’s Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand.

Prior to SEEK, Kendra held a series of senior marketing and commercial roles within the retail sector, including at Coles in Australia and Tesco in the UK. Kendra commenced her career in strategy as a consultant with McKinsey & Company. Kendra holds a Masters in European Politics from the College of Europe, where she was a Fulbright Scholar.  Prior to this, Kendra completed a Bachelor of Economics and Mathematics at Yale University.